
Appointment Setting Strategy B2B

Salespeople keep the lights on but not all are the same. From our experience, Hunters will devour any leads presented to them, where farmers are laxer when it comes to lead follow-up.

Appointment setting for B2B

The simple quote, “I learn, I earn” by Santosh Kalwar is a simple formula for sales success. I have spent 20 plus years running a B2B appointment setting and lead generation organization that arranges sales appointments for hi-tech hardware and software companies. We monitor all of the sales appointments we generate for our clients, numbering […]

I Learn, I Earn – Salespeople, Study is the Key

The simple quote, “I learn, I earn” by Santosh Kalwar is a simple formula for sales success. I have spent 20 plus years running a B2B appointment setting and lead generation organization that arranges sales appointments for hi-tech hardware and software companies. We monitor all of the sales appointments we generate for our clients, numbering […]